Secrets of a healthy life that mothers and women need to know

Exercise more than 30 minutes a day

The most important thing women can do to protect their health is to prevent disease, says UConn Health Department Chair Molly Bertrer.

Exercise not only improves cardiovascular health, but also helps maintain a healthy weight and body mass index, and can reduce the risk of brain cancer, breast cancer, and colon cancer. In addition, exercise reduces excess hormones in the body and reduces stress levels.

Always listen to your body

Women may develop ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer during their lifetime. Therefore, as a woman, make sure that you participate in pregnancy prevention examinations and cancer prevention examinations every year

Eat healthy foods

Eating a variety of nutritious, colorful fruits and vegetables every day is key to reducing and preventing the risk of obesity-induced breast and other breast cancers. Organic food is always the best choice.